Carlos Artime Guembe
Carlos Artime Guembe (b.Manzanillo, Cuba, 1940) He began his work as painter in the commencement of his Architecture’s studies at Havana University in 1961, where he met and had among the professors several outstanding creators of the avant-garde plastic arts of that moment: Guido Llinás, Tomás Oliva, Raúl Martínez, Loló Soldevilla, Hugo Consuegra. Some of them belonged to “Los Once” Group which relocated the Cuban plastic arts in the worldwide level. Influenced by the new streams of abstractionism, constructivism and PopArt, etc., he develops his non-figurative work absorbed in the color, the form, the space, the intention and he exhibited by the first time in a collective exhibition in 1965. In 1968 he carries out his first solo show “Una mujer me espera (A woman waits for me)” inspired by a poem of Walt Whitman. He retires from the public scene and in 1982 he shows again with the exhibition “Cubanas en Re (Cuban women in D)” of a totally figurative-symbolic character. He has been shown in galleries until our days, from 1985 with the exhibition “Con la mancha crece…la vida” (“With the Stain it Grows…. the Life)”, about a homonymous poem, he has mixed, based or inspired himself by poems, texts well of their responsibility like of other writers. In 1991 he moves to United States and for a while it maintained a study in Miami Beach, Florida, until he decides to settle down in Puerto Rico in 1992. He currently resides permanently in Miami from where he expands his work internationally. So far he has made 37 personal exhibitions and a number of group exhibitions, including his works in public and private collections in Cuba, Spain, France, Belgium, Russia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Chile, United States, Germany and Puerto Rico.