Marlys Fuego
Marlys Fuego (Las Tunas, 1988) Cuban artist Marlys Fuego studied at the University of Arts in Havana, Cuba. She lived and worked in Havana until she moved to New York in 2016. In her work the representation of sexuality appears as a pretext to reflect upon issues of a broader nature, eroticism and gender identity. Visuality is highly kitsch and she uses it for a diversity and stridency as a call for attention. The use of codes of kitsch is unprejudiced and serves to emphasize that we’re living in the era of “anything goes”. She has performed several personal exhibitions inside and outside of Cuba, such as “New works” BARCÚ Art Fair, Casa la Cicuta, Bogota, Colombia (2016); “Espacios íntimos”, Morro Cabaña Complex, 12 Havana Biennial Collateral, Havana, Cuba; “Pink” Galiano Gallery, Havana, Cuba (2015); as well she has participated in numerous collective exhibitions in countries such as: Russia, Colombia, United States, Ecuador, like: 82ºW / Six Degrees of Separation, Thomas Center Main Gallery, Gainesville, FL, United Sates, (2017); “Arigato” Gorría Studio-Gallery, Havana, Cuba; “Abre los ojos” Galiano Gallery, Havana, Cuba; “La madre de todas las artes”, Wifredo Lam Contemporary Art Center, Havana, Cuba, (2016); “Made in Cuba” Cuban Art Space West Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, United States; “Territorios” Galiano Gallery, XII Havana Biennal Collateral, Havana, Cuba; “Éticos y estéticos” International Press Center, Havana, Cuba, (2015); “Post-it II” Expo-sale of Cuban contemporary art, Artis 718 Gallery, Havana, Cuba; “VA-POR” Alcázar Studio, Havana, Cuba; “En rosa” Collage Havana Gallery, Havana, Cuba, (2014); “Post-it I” Expo-sale of Cuban contemporary art, Galiano Gallery, Havana, Cuba; “Houston Fair” Collage Havana Gallery, Houston, United States; “Art Moscow” Collage Havana Gallery, Moscow, Russia; “Palm Spring Fine Art Fair” Salt Fine Art Gallery, Florida, United States, (2013); “Art Moscow” Collage Havana Gallery, Moscow, Russia; “Ellas sí hablan” Villa Manuela Gallery, Havana, Cuba. In 2009 she won the First Prize at the Sancti-Spíritus Miniatures Hall as well as other prizes at Cienfuegos and Granma, Cuba.

Mi aire #1, 2017, Acrylic on cardboard 22” x 28.”

Travel, 2017, Acrylic on cardboard, 22 x 28.”