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University fine arts students display work at local gallery

University of Miami newsletter mentions SOFLO New Art exhibitions

by Ashley A Williams

Under the guidance of senior lecturer Carlos Enrique Prado, one recent graduate and three students present “Circle of Influence,” an art exhibition at the Kendall Art Cultural Center through June 24.

Tales about the complex ways that humans revere and exploit natural water resources were the trigger for graduate student Kimberly Bauldree to use her art to make a statement. Her current work—a mixed-use of alternative photo-printing methods, digital filmmaking, and ceramic art—is intended to evoke thoughts about humans and their social responsibility for the planet.

Bauldree is one of four whose art is currently being displayed in the third collaboration between the University of Miami’s ceramics program and the Kendall Art Cultural Center, for the “Circle of Influence” exhibition. Led and curated by senior lecturer Carlos Enrique Prado and associate professor Ivan Albreht, the exhibit represents the work of the four, who bonded while putting the show together.

“I am so proud that they are able to professionally present their work because this opportunity isn’t always presented to students,” said Prado, who guided the group through the entire curation process of the exhibit. “Some students just stay students, and they don’t think of themselves as professional artists. And they all have the potential to be. I’m so proud that these four had this chance.”

Salt Lake City, Utah, native Anthony Magnetti, a second-year graduate student in the ceramics master’s degree program, also has his work on display. Using the structure of a Mӧobius strip, a surface with only one side and one boundary curve, his ceramic art suggested the cyclic feeling he has of time. He uses chalk and paint on the surfaces of his designs to showcase the fragility of his memories as time passes.

“I’m grateful for the ceramics program for chartering new territory and taking me outside of my comfort zone,” said Magnetti. “I would say that overall, it has been so amazing to be a part of this professional experience.”

Elizabeth Guignino, who recently graduated, has her ceramic work on display with the intention to get viewers to see themselves in her life-size vessels and recognize their own evolution, battles, power, and development. Sepideh Kalani, an international student from Iran, also has her work, “Next Target,” on display. Her ceramic sandblasted pieces represent those who are near death and are fearful of it.

Odette Lopez, director of the Kendall Art Cultural Center, said the local community is really enjoying the exhibition and that the group has done a wonderful job creating a cohesive show. Each person’s approach to their particular medium is unique, she noted, and tells others a lot about them as an artist.

“Our audience is really enjoying the exhibition. The quality of work and the curation really subverts people's expectations of ceramics as an art form, and many have commented to me personally that they didn't know ceramic artists were able to make something like this,” said Lopez. “Working with Carlos Prado and his group is a real treat, and it’s a huge success.”


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